08/01/2025Cub BasicsWelcome to Cubs - start of a new term. Recap our understanding of what it means to be a Cub Scout. Get to know each other, our scouting values, and all about Cubs and wider Scouting. Games.
15/01/2025Catapults & RaftsMaking simple catapults and rafts. Playing and experimenting with these, individually and in teams.
22/01/2025New Badgework
29/01/2025Action SongsLearning action songs. Create a performance and learn how to teach songs.
03/02/2025Squirrel PerformanceCubs will be attending the Squirrels meeting to perform/teach to the Squirrels what we learnt on Weds. Squirrel meeting is 4:30-5:30pm at the Scout Hut. Please wear full uniform.
05/02/2025Outstanding Badgework Completion
12/02/2025ScienceVarious fun experiments
19/02/2025Closed - Half Term
26/02/2025On this Day...
01/03/2025Science Museum - day trip (PRE-BOOK ONLY)Invites and information to be sent via email.
05/03/2025Library Visit - BookreaderMeet at Sapcote Community Library (Church St, Sapcote, Leicester LE9 4FG) at 6:15pm & Collect at 8pm. Note different times! Please share lifts where possible - there is limited parking around the library. Full uniform required. Please bring your completed paperwork (see Badges@Home section / email) to print this off if you wish to earn your bookreader badge.
12/03/2025Magic Show
19/03/2025Crystal Maze
26/03/2025Knots / Teamwork Challenges
02/04/2025Critter Encounter
09/04/2025Wide Games
16/04/2025Closed - Easter